Treasured Friendship: Anne Frank's Verse donated to Anne Frank Huis Amsterdam

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Treasured Friendship: Anne Frank's Verse donated to Anne Frank Huis Amsterdam

The Anne Frank House has received a special donation from Jacqueline Sanders-Van Maarsen: her autograph book with a handwritten verse by Anne Frank, dated 23 March 1942. The now 95-year-old Jacqueline has carefully preserved the album with Anne’s verse over the years as a testament to their deep friendship.

Writing verses in classmates and friends autograph books or poëziealbums was a popular pastime at the time, especially among girls. “Dear Jacq,” Anne Frank began her verse to her friend and classmate Jacqueline van Maarsen on 23 March 1942, a few months before going into hiding. Anne continues: “Always remain a ray of sunshine,/ At school: a kind child,/ To me: my dearest friend,/ Then you will be loved by everyone.” She concludes with: “In memory of your friend Anne Frank”. The poem is accompanied by a postcard with a drawing of a girl picking flowers and a passport photo of Anne herself.

In honour of the special gift and with Jacqueline van Maarsen’s consent, the Anne Frank Stichting has established a special fund: the Jacqueline van Maarsen Schools Fund. This fund allows primary schools in the Netherlands to follow an educational programme and visit the Anne Frank House.

Stephanie Cime

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Image of the Day

Anna Melnykova, "Palace of Labor (palats praci), architector I. Pretro, 1916", shot with analog Canon camera, 35 mm Fuji film in March 2022.

Anna Melnykova, "Palace of Labor (palats praci), architector I. Pretro, 1916", shot with analog Canon camera, 35 mm Fuji film in March 2022.


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