Exclusive interview with Rob Cantor

Monday, January 5, 2015

"You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, And your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him... " This is how Rob Cantor's YouTube hit starts. Is this the bohemian rhapsody of the 21-st century?

"You're walking in the woods.
There's no one around,
And your phone is dead.
Out of the corner of your eye you spot him... "

This is how Rob Cantor's YouTube hit starts.  Is this the bohemian rhapsody of the 21-st century?

This unusual artwork including dancing performance, choir, string quartet and captivating text created by singer and songwriter Rob Cantor keeps you watching the video in one breath. Although, the name of Shia LaBeouf, performing as a villain in a number of movies, already suggests a cold-blooded ending of the video, you still hope for some positive finale. Rob Cantor gives an exclusive interview to Artdependence Magazine about his video, career, "Not a trampoline" album and future plans. 

Artdependence Magazine: Since you are a multitalented artist, we would like to ask you what your education is?  Actor - musician - singer - ....)?

Rob Cantor: I've been writing and performing music my whole life. I used to act back in high school, but that slowed down when I got more serious about music. My college degree is in Cellular and Molecular Biology - seems comically unrelated to my life nowadays. Back then, I was planning to go to medical school, but after undergrad, I decided on following my love for music instead. 

AD: Are there artists that have a big influence on you?

RC: Yes. Way too many to list here, but first on the list is, of course, the Beatles. 

AD: What was the first "milestone" in your career that made things happen?

RC: I play in a band called Tally Hall, and we formed in 2003 at the University of Michigan. There's a bar near campus called the Blind Pig; it's the preeminent rock club in town. When we started the band, our big goal was to sell out the Blind Pig. It seemed damn near impossible -- 450 people at one show?! Almost ludicrous. Within a year or two, we managed to pull it off, and the show was one of the most enjoyable nights of my life. I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It was a small but meaningful milestone for me. 

AD: Your album, "Not a trampoline" has a variety of songs, was this album written around one theme or is it a collection of different songs?

RC: It's a collection of songs I wrote between the last Tally Hall tour (2011) and my move to Los Angeles (2013). To me, it's a document of those couple years of my life, but hopefully it has some personal meaning for people who listen to it as well. 

AD: How did you realize a mega production, the YouTube hit "Actual cannibal Shia Leboeuf"? It looks a complicated endeavour, including the choir, dancers, musicians, Shia Leboeuf himself?

RC: It was a long, challenging process to make the video. I was very lucky to have an extremely talented and resourceful partner in Scott Uhlfelder, with whom I put the whole thing together. We had a vision for what we wanted, and, back in June or so, we set about building it brick by brick. Each ensemble and each performer was a conquest unto itself. We worked for months to fill each slot we'd concocted, and to make sure the logistics worked too. In the end, we were able to wrangle just about everything, and I'm grateful to all the people who lent their time and their talent to make that possible. 

AD: What are your future plans and you did you think of touring in Europe?

RC: My plan is to make more music and video content for my youtube channel. As of yet, I've never toured in Europe, but I would certainly love to someday! 

AD: Good luck further, Rob!

Rob Cantor's personal site is here.

All images © Zach Callahan.

Stephanie Cime

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Image of the Day

Anna Melnykova, "Palace of Labor (palats praci), architector I. Pretro, 1916", shot with analog Canon camera, 35 mm Fuji film in March 2022.

Anna Melnykova, "Palace of Labor (palats praci), architector I. Pretro, 1916", shot with analog Canon camera, 35 mm Fuji film in March 2022.


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