Kiasma Strike Ends – The Finnish National Gallery Accepts New Ethical Guidelines

Monday, May 1, 2023
Kiasma Strike Ends – The Finnish National Gallery Accepts New Ethical Guidelines

The artworkers’ strike against the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma resulted with significant negotiation leading to a substantial milestone for the art community and the museum world in Finland, and hopefully abroad.

The Kiasma strike started on 1st of December, 2022, after weeks of fruitless negotiations between the art workers and Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma. The art workers questioned the museum’s collaboration with Kiasma Support Foundation board member Chaim “Poju” Zabludowicz, whose wealth is derived from decades of arms trade between Finland and Israel, and whose other investments are complicit in supporting Israeli occupation policies and human rights abuses against Palestinians. 

For over ten years, members of the art community in Finland had publicly criticised this collaboration. In 2022, the pressure to act in solidarity was a direct result of leading human rights organisations now defining Israel as an apartheid regime. Thus, the collaboration was a sign that the ethical guidelines for private funding of the Finnish National Gallery (FNG), which governs Kiasma's activities, were not in line with the commitment to social justice that is expected from the museum by the artist communities in Finland.

Initially the strike was joined by 42 people, but during its five months the number grew to 220 art workers and four arts organisations. Through the strike, the art workers expressed their refusal to have their work associated with unethical investments. 

During the new negotiation process which began after the strike was announced, the strikers and the FNG collaborated on organising two events that focused on the legal and ethical frameworks and practices for cultural funding, engaging professionals in the arts and museum field. 

The strike ended in a successful negotiation on 27th April 2023. The FNG committed to changes that ensured that its policies regarding receiving private funding will be more ethical. There are three major changes.

First, the "Ethical Guidelines for Fundraising and Private Funding of the National Gallery of Finland" set out the criteria for the three museums that come under the FNG (Ateneum, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, and Sinebrychoff Art Museum). The museums: 

"[D]o not accept donations from or collaborate with organisations involved in industries such as oil and gas production, tobacco industry, weapons manufacturing or the production of environmentally hazardous chemicals. Nor will the Finnish National Gallery accept support from entities on the Finnish Government’s sanctions list. Moreover, the Finnish National Gallery does not collaborate with organisations or other bodies whose operations promote the oppression of minorities, authoritarian governance, gender inequality or criminal activities."

Second, the FNG implemented structural changes that enable more transparency to the processes regarding private funding. From now on, anyone can request and review documents regarding the FNG’s decisions on receiving private support. 

Thirdly, the FNG severed its formal ties with the Kiasma Support Foundation. Kiasma’s Director Leevi Haapala resigned from the Foundation’s board and the FNG will not appoint members to the board in the future. Also the Kiasma Support Foundation website is no longer hosted on Kiasma's site. 

Kiasma_strike considers these three changes sufficient to ensure that the goal of the strike has been met. The artistic community in Finland will monitor how the new private funding guidelines are implemented and applied in the future. 

The strikers, brought together by a commitment to advance human rights, see the changes made by the Finnish National Gallery as a welcome step in institutional accountability, setting a new standard for the entire art and museum field in Finland and abroad.

Stephanie Cime

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Image of the Day

Anna Melnykova, "Palace of Labor (palats praci), architector I. Pretro, 1916", shot with analog Canon camera, 35 mm Fuji film in March 2022.

Anna Melnykova, "Palace of Labor (palats praci), architector I. Pretro, 1916", shot with analog Canon camera, 35 mm Fuji film in March 2022.


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